Advantages of gamiteam platform

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Why choose GamiTeam?

Because of the current context, face to face events are highly regulated and limited. At a time when telecommuting is highly recommended, it is impotant for companies to succeed in maintaining good relations with their employees so that they remain motivated and united.

GamiTeam is a gaming platform offering a wide renge of online nteam building activities, specially designed to federate and motivate participants. The animations offered on the site are innovative and alloxs players to work as a team around a common game. The platformuses a video conferencing system, it is very easy for participants to interact and communicate, even if they are at distance.

GamiTeam also offers turnkey team building companies, with whom they will be completely independent throughout the event. Indeed, thanks to an automated system, customers will be able to carry out their events alone, from the reservation until the end of the selected team building.

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