Advantages of online events

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Online events have advantages that face-to-face events do not.

First of all, the adaptability of online animations. Indeed, when you decide to do anevent online, you do not have any constraints related to the number of participants,unlike the face-to-face events. Similarly, you have no constraints on geographicalboundaries. So you have the ability to bring an unlimited number of people togetherfrom anywhere in the world. This allows your participants to have a team buildingexperience that is sometimes more rewarding because there is a privilegedintercultural exchange.

Online events also save time and money. In face-to-face events, the budgets to beexpected by companies are generally quite large, due to the costs related totransport, the rental of spaces (place of events, hotel, restaurant) ... In terms ofonline activities, the costs are much more centralized, which reduces the costs. Thetime savings are also enormous. On the one hand, the organizers need less time toset up the project because they have fewer providers to search than they do face-to-face, allowing them to focus more on the content of the animation. The timesavings are also valid for participants, they no longer need to travel to the meetingplace, they stay at home.

Finally, online games are much more environmentally friendly. For a fewyears now, companies have become increasingly concerned about theirimpact on the environment. Online animations are a great solution foryour events. Indeed, digital events allow to gather groups of participantswithout generating displacements. So you limit your carbon footprint. Digital events do not require as much decoration as in-house events,which will generate much less waste in the end.

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