The need to federate employees, who are less and less physicallypresent at their desks

In a context such as the one we are in now, it is important to meet each other, inorder to keep in touch and not feel too isolated or alone. Faced with confinement and teleworking, we have the solution to combine qualitywork and human contact.
Currently, communication can be difficult for some people because the activity isdone a lot in telecommuting, so there is less presence in the office and therefore lesscontact between the employees, but the important thing is to stay together, continueto work as a team and help each other.
This is why we propose to set up a Team Building method that can allow employeesof a company to group together through a video call so that they can work togetherin good conditions.
They will also be able to feel understood and supported by the current situation ofCovid-19, which will allow everyone to find their place within a group.
The Team Building is ideal for working together and being able to provide qualitywork while being at a distance.
This method is mainly used in a professional environment, in companies ororganizations in order to gather and gather the collaborators being in differentplaces of France or the World.