You are currently connected to the website which is published by the company Azefir.
Social Name: Azefir
SAS in capital: €200,000
RCS: B432 481 026 Pontoise
EPA: 8230Z
Headquarters: 3 rue Marcel Paul - 95870 Bezons / 0130257150 /
Editor: Ari Bentolila
Accomodation: Planethoster - 4416 Louis B-Mayer - Laval, Quebec - Canada H7P 0G1 / +1 855 774-4678
Personnal data:
The information you have entered on the Azefir website may be recorded for exclusuve processing by Azefir.
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete the data collected on this site, under the conditions provided for Law No.78-17 of 6 January 1978 (modified) relating to information technology, files and freedoms.
We invite you to consult our privacy polivy in order to know how to collect your personnal information in connection with your relationship with Azefir or the use of these services.
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Image right and properties:
The entire website, presentation and content, constitutes a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which Azefir is the owner.
The general structure, animated or still images, drawings, graphics are the exclusive property of Charlotte Béringer. It allows Azefir to use them as part of its external communication without misusing their original meaning.
The text photo knowhow and any other elements of the site are the exclusive property of Azefir to use them.
Reproductions, in paper or computer format, of the said site and of the works and models reproduced there are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use. However, their reproduction must be identical and the use so authorized must not harm the quality and reputation of Azefir's products or its copyright; excluding any use for advertising, commercial, information purposes.
Any reproduction, translation, use and/or modification of this site, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, whithout the prior written consent of Azefir constitutes an offense of counterfeiting sanctioned by articles L.355-2 et seq. of the Code of the Intellectual property, punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 150 000€.
If you have a problem with the site, please report it to us by writing to: