1. Introduction:

As part of its business activity Azefir is required to process information about you.

For example:

- By requesting a quote or information by telephone, by email or by filling out our online form.
- By using our services for one of your events.

- Browsing our websites.

- By consulting our newsletters and email campaign.

You provide us with information, some of which may indentify you ("personal data").

This privacy policy informs you of how we collect and process your personal data. We invite you to read it carrefully.


We only use your personnal data in the cases provided for the regulations in force:

- Performance of a contract we have with you and/or

- Compliance with a legal obligation, and/or

- Your consent to the use of your data

2. What data do we collect about you and under what circumstances do we collect?

2.1. The data you transmit directly to us:

During the various contacts we have with you, you may be asked to provide us with information about you. They are collected in particular when you use our services or when you simply create a quote, when creating an account on our site, or to access any other offer or service.

These data include:

Names, forenames, civility, society and the  nature of the position;

Postal adress, email, adress, telephone number;

Information required for the delivery and realization of theservice(s) ordered

Information about your means of payment in connection with the invoicing of one of our services

Choice in commercial prospecting;

2.2. the data during our business relationship:

The date we collect in our business relationship with you include:

Information about the history of your Azefir business relationship: services orders, where applicable, invoicing and payment;

E-mail requests and exchanges with our services

2.3. The data we collect automatically:

During each of your visits to our sites, we collect information about your connection and your navigation. Different technologies can be used to collect this data. The main one is the cookie.

- Data collected via cookies

A cookie is a text file that is stored in a specific space on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit a site, application or online advertisement. Cookies are managed by your internet browser and only the issuer of a cookie can decide whether to read or modify the information contained there in.

A cookie has a limited validity period. It deposit and storage on your terminal shall be in accordance with the applicable legislation and subject to the choices you have made and which you may change at any time, under the conditions specified in Article 9 below.

A cookie does not personnaly identify you. It allows its transmitter to recognize your terminal and to collect a certain amount of information relating to the navigation performed from that terminal.

Cookies have several functions, such as allowing you to navigate effectively on a site or an application, to remember your choices, the goods and services you wish to buy, to offer you relevant advertising content according to your interests expressed during your navigation. More information on cookies can be found on the CNIL website: www.cnil.fr

Cookies deposited by the Azefir subject to your choices give us access to the following information:

- Device IDs you use (your computer's IP adress, Android ID, Apple ID...). An IP anonymization process is systematically set up for each visit to our site site, we do not store or view your entire IP adress to ensire your anonymity.

- Your location, within the city of connection.

- Type of operating system used by your terminal (Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, Linux, Unix, BeOS...)

-  Type and version of the browser software used by your device (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome...)

- Dates and times of connection to our services.

- Adress of the Internet Internet page of origin ("referrer")

- Navigation data on our services, content viewed.

2.4. Exclusion of sensitive data:

Azefir does not collect any sensitive data about you. Sensitive data shall include: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, inion membership, health data or sexual orientation.

3. For what purposes do weuse your data? 

This article tells you the main purposes for which we use the data mentioned in article 3.

3.1. Operations necessary for the provision of goods or services:

- Respond to your inquiry or request for a quote;

- Take into account your order for services

- Managing subscriptions to our newsletters;

-Billing collection of payments;

- Delivery management and order tracking;

- Customer Relationship: provision of a customer service accessible by mail, telephone, e-mail or chat like instant messaging for any question or complaint;

- Conducting satisfaction survey;

- Sending information about changes in our services;

- Management of unpaid claims and litigation;

- Management of the exercise of your rights over your personal data, under the condition laid down in article 8;

-  Verification of compliance with applicable legislation, our contracts and general conditions of use.

3.2. Marketing and marketing operation related to Azefir's publications and services:

- Updating, enriching and deduplication of your personal information in a dedicated Azefir database;

- Sending information about our company, it's publications and its activity;

- Personalized commercial loyalty or prospecting actions;

- Establisment of competition games or other promotional activities;

-Collecting customer feedback;

-Development of trade statistics.

3.3. Purposes ofstoring cookies on your browser:

- Operation and optimization of navigation on our sites and applications

-Adapt the presentation of our sites and applications to the display preference of your terminal (display resolution, operating system...) during your visits, according to the hardware and the visualization or reading software that your terminal contains;

- Automatic connection to the reserved or personal spaces of our sites, such as account, through identifiers or data you have previously entrusted to us;

- Managing our plateforms and conducting internal technical operations for problem solving, data analyis, testing, research, analysis and surveys;

- Implementation of security measures;

- Quality measures to ensure that the display of our content is suitable for your device.

Attendance and audiance measurement;

- Statistics and volumes of visits and use of   the various components of our site (sections and contents visited, routes) to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services

4. How long do we keep  your data?

Your personal data shall be kept for a period  consistent with the legal provisions or proportional to the purposes for which they were recorded. Certain shelf life satisfies the legitimate interest of Azefir as specified in the intraduction.

Retention periods vary depending on whether we have a current contractual relationship (you are an active customer), whether we have had a contractual relationship with you in the past (you are an inactive customer) or whether we have never had a contractual retionship with you (you are a prospect). The data related to your browsing on our online services collected by the cookies you have authorizd have a specific shelf life.

The table below lists the main retention periods for your data.

In any event, we regularly review the information we hold. If your retention is no longer justified by legal, commercial or account management requirements, or if you have used a right to change or delete, we will remove them securely.

5. Who is likely to have access to the data we collect?

5.1. Access to data within the Azefir Group

Some of our data may be accessed:

Employees of the services relation clients, administrative, accounting and management control, IT and marketing & sales.

Access to your data is based on individual and limited access permissions. Personnel who can access personal data are subject to a confidentiality obligation (by a nominal commitment and personal confidentiality) 

5.2. Transmission of data

Some of your data may be accessed:

- Subcontractors 

They provide services on our behalf, including:

    - Shipping orders

    - Handling phone calls, sendingmail or digital

    - Performing maintenance operations and technical developments

    - Provision of analytical solutions or audience measurement statistics

    - Our subcontractor's access to your data  is basedon signed contracts that refer to their obligations to protect the security and confidentiality of the data.

- Police, judicial or administrative authorities

Where we have a legal obligation to do so or in  order to guarantee the rights, property and security of the Azefir Group.

6. Are your data transferred outside the european union?

We store your personal data in the European Union.

However, it is only marginally possible that the data we collect when you use our plateforms or as part of our services may be transferred to contractors located in other countries, some of which may have less protective personal data protection legislation than that in force in the country where you reside. In the event such a transfer, we shall ensure that the processing is carried out in accordance with this Privacy Policy and that it is governed by the European Commission's standard contractual clauses which ensure an adequate level of protection of the privacy and fundamental rights of individuals.

7. How is your data protected?

As the controller, we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with applicable legal provisions, to protect your personal data against alteration, accidental or unlawful loss, use, disclosure or unauthorized access, including:

- Appointment of a Data Protection Officer;

- The establishment of a dedicated unit on the security of information systems;

- Awareness of the confidentiality requirements of our employees who have acces to your personal data;

- Secure access to our premises;

- Implementation of a general corporate IT security policy;

- Securing access, sharing and transfer of data;

- High level of data protection requirements when selecting our subcontractors.

8. What are your rights?

8.1. Your rights to access your personal data:

You have the right to access your personal data and to request that it be corrected, supplemented or updated.

You may also request to exercise your right to the portability of your data, that is, the right to receive the  personal data you have provided to us  in a structured, commonly used format and the right to transmit that data to another controller.

Finally, you can formulate guidelines for the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.

You may exercise your rights with Azefir Group's Personal Data Protection Officer, Mr. Bentolila Ari, at the following adress: 3 rue Marcel Paul, 95870 Bezons or by email: dpo@azefir.com

Before responding to your request, we may verify your identity and/or ask you to provide us with more information. We will endeavor to respond to your request within a reasonable time and, in any event, within the time limits set by law.

8.2. Your rights in opposition to commercial solicitaions:

We may use your contact information in connection with commercial solicitations, in accordance with applicable law and the provision of this Privacy Policy. You may object to such solicitations at any time, in a manner that depends on the channel of communication we use to address them to you.

- Electronic business solicitaions (e-mail):

We respect the rules of Article L.34- of the Postal and Electronic Communications Code, which provides for the prior and express collection of your consent for the sending of commercial prospecting by electronic means.

Thus, on the forms you fill out when you suscribe to one of our services, when you create an account on our sites or in any other contact with us, you are expressly asked  for consent:

        - To receive offers  from the Azefir Group:

          Exception: Your express and prior consent is not required when you are already a client of the Azefir Group and the purpose of our request is to offer you services similar to those we already provide.

In case, you can always object to receiving such solicitation by:

For  e-mail, by clicking on the unsuscribe link provided in each e-mail, by visiting your online account or by contacting our customer services.

8.3. Your right to accept and manage cookies:

The registration of a cookie on your navigation device is subject to your will. You can change your xhoices at any time regarding the acceptance or refusal of cookies deposit on your terminal, either on your browser or online with different operators.

In order to manage cookies as possible to your wishes, weinvite you to set your browser according to the purpose of cookies.

How do you exercise your choices?

=> Make your choices in your browser

You can set your browsing software either to allow you to accept or refuse the recording of cookies in your terminal.

We warn you that any setting on your browsing software regarding the refusal of technical cookies and functionality will be likely to impair your on  our websites or even prevent the use of some of ouf services requiring the use of these same cookies.

If applicable, we disclaim all responsability for the consequences of the degraded fonctioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation which you have refused of deleted.

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know kow to change your cookie preferences.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Adobe Flash  Player Flashcookies

Adobe Flash Player is a computer application that allows the rapid development of dynamic content  using the Flash computer language. Flash (and similar applications) memorizes the settings, preferences and use of this content with a cookie-like technology. However, Adobe Flash Player manages this information and your choices through a different interface than that provided by your browser software.

To the extent that your terminal would be able to view content developed with the  Flash language, we invite you to access your Flash cookies management tools, directly from https://www.adobe.com/

Do not track

You can also set your browser to send code to websites that you do not want to be tracked (Do not track option).

=> Make your choice on our website

When you first log in, a banner at the bottom of this site suggests that you refuse or accept all or part of the cookies deposited by our site. Continued browsing of the site is valid for the acceptance of cookies and makes disappear this banner. To reappear this banner and change your choices, delete the Cookies and site data from your browser and refresh the site page.